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Friday, January 28, 2011

Paneer Mushroom Kurma


Paneer-1 Cups (Cut Into Cubes)
Mushroom-5 to 6 Pieces
Onions-2 nos(sliced)
Green Chillies-3 nos
Grated Coconut-1 cup
Cashew nut-1 tsp
Ginger-1/2 tsp
Bay leaves-1nos
Fennel Seeds-2tsp
Garam Masala-2tsp
Turmeric Powder-1/2tsp
Khas Khas(Poppy seed)-1/4 cup
Coriander Leaves (for garnishing)
  • Chop the paneer into small cubes and fry the in little amount of oil till they turn slightly brown,then keep them aside
  • Fry 1 cup grated coconut, quarter cup khasa khasa, one table spoon fennel seeds, shredded onion 1/2 cup, diced tomato 1/2 cup, three green chillies, one tablespoon cashews, one medium piece of ginger  in oil  and grind them into a fine paste 
  •  In a kadai, take two table spoons of oil, add bayleaves then jeera and little of  fennel seeds,turmeric powder one teaspoon garammasala and then fry the remaining 1/2 cup of  onion till brown
  • Then add the remaining 1/2 cup of  tomatoes and when they turn soft add the ground paste and salt and allow it to boil, it takes around 20 minutes for the raw smell to go
  •  Then add the paneer and chopped mushrooms  allow them to cook well by adding little amount of water to it
  • Wait until the oil comes out of the kurma (this means its ready to be served).Garnish it with Chopped Coriander Leaves


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